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Build Your Self-Confidence - Here's How


Have you ever gotten out of bed feeling as if nothing could ruin your day? Or are your days more about dragging yourself out of bed just to get ready for work? How you feel is a direct reflection of your state of mind. 

Self-esteem and self-confidence are the two things that you need to propel yourself towards a positive mood. If you are always anxious about how things work out, you are putting yourself under a lot of stress. Everything in life, no matter what you do or how they turn out, will always feel like it's going awry. 

At times when it feels like nothing is going right, it is your confidence that takes the strongest hit. But if you continuously remind yourself to live a life of gratitude, joy, and love, you will feel amazing from deep within. 

You will always have that positive mindset that will keep you going. You will move through the day with purpose and complete every task with utmost enthusiasm. All these are a part of learning who you...

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How To Practice Emotional Detachment

What makes you happy? Often, people attach their idea of happiness to a particular outcome. And yet, they find themselves disappointed when things turn out that way. They begin to ask if there is some way they can be happy on their own.

Learning how to detach yourself emotionally may be one of the best gifts you can give yourself. You must learn to teach yourself to live without what you are longing for. That’s the only time you can indeed be happy. 

This paradox of life has made many people wonder if emotional withdrawal is the key to finding their ultimate happiness. When you recognize the truth that nothing or no one else can make you happy but yourself, that’s the only time you will see the difference in your life. But what does it mean to be detached?

Discovering The Art Of Detachment

The dictionary defines the term detachment as “the state of being aloof or objective.” You have to teach yourself to look at things from an objective...

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How Does The Language You Speak Shape Your Thoughts?

How does your brain shape your thoughts? While people think that they are in charge of what or how they think, many different factors come into play before ideas are produced. Your thoughts are controlled by the language that you speak. 

How does language influence culture? It does so in many ways. The syntax, vocabulary, tone, diction—all of these are affected culturally. Your view of the world is expressed through the language that you speak. 

The cultural background of that very language affects how you think and how your thoughts are shaped. While it may not be as evident as the other influences, it makes you distinctly who you are. 

How Does Language Affect The Thought Process?

What comes first—language or thought? Linguists have been trying to figure out what influences what. Do people who speak the language influence their ideas, or does thought influence the language that they speak? 

It is a mind-boggling idea. But...

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How To Make Better Decisions? - Mastery Q & A

Schedule and do daily meditations

If you have not meditated before, don't worry. It's effortless and supportive, especially if the intention is increased clarity in decision making. Meditation is about listening, not about doing.

Keep your vision, mission, and intention present 

When we experience a lack of clarity in a decision, it is often because we have forgotten the WHY. Why are you doing anything? What are the things that more directly contribute to the fulfillment of the vision? Keeping a simple poster or sign up in your workspace with the idea, mission, or intention of your work will assist you in your decision making.

Ask for support

Don't give your power away in the sense of the person you ask, "knows more than you and therefore knows what's best." Rather, gather another perspective to consider. If you are stuck on a decision that you have to make, then the simple act of getting an opinion from someone unrelated and unattached to the outcome can assist you in getting...

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Simple Practices To Strengthen Your Aura Energy

Have you been feeling sick lately? Do you often get irritated by the simplest of noise that you hear? Are you not getting enough sleep at night? These are signals that something is not right. 

Perhaps, it is not just your body who's trying to tell you something. When it seems as if you are worried about a lot of things and your mind is perpetually feeling exhausted, maybe you need to look into what's beyond the mind and the body. 

All these things that you feel are symptoms that you should try cleansing your aura right away. 

Defining What An Aura Is

Before you try to learn anything about how to cleanse the aura, you must establish what it is and how you understand it. That's the only way to begin the cleansing process.

The aura is the energy field that surrounds your body. It is like a magnetic field that surrounds the body attracting all the different energies around it. Good or bad, your aura picks up on emotions, psychic debris, health, and even the...

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Techniques To Overcome Fear Of Public Speaking

The primary benefits of overcoming the fear of public speaking accrue NOT within the area of public speaking.

You realize that overcoming any fear is not about the ability to do what you are fearful of, but rather that overcoming your fear is a direct communication to your subconscious that you cannot be stopped from fulfilling your desires. Anyone can speak publicly so long as they can talk. This realization that fears being conquered is a step toward a more easeful, prosperous, happy life can be THE motivating factor.

Get In The Flow

Practice talking about a topic that you know a lot about.

Know that your personality is what needs to come out. Therefore, if you feel nervous speaking up in a meeting or to a group, this is not a BAD thing. There is just stagnant energy that wants to be moved. Getting in the flow is a prerequisite.

Particularly with public speaking, there is a particular aspect of overcoming this fear. There is a reason that it is one of the most common phobias. This...

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Guide To Overcome Fear Of Rejection

Rejection, no matter what form it takes or who it comes from, hurts. There is no getting around it. 

Every person wants to belong with those they truly care about. Feeling rejected by these people can hurt you so bad that you can’t imagine getting over it. Whether it is a friendship, a relationship, or a job, rejection is never a pleasant experience. 

How Does Rejection Affect You?

The pain of being rejected can cause a cut that’s so deep it could leave you broken for a while. Did you know that rejection has the same effect on you as that of physical pain? It triggers the same part of the brain that makes you ache when you are physically hurt. 

There is no denying why a lot of people have that fear of not being good enough. They dread the thought of being rejected. If you have experienced it at least once or twice in your life, you probably do not want it to happen again. 

Perhaps it has made you stronger than you thought you...

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How To Develop A Positive Mindset

Would you consider yourself a positive person? The positivity mindset is a trendy concept these days, and some people think that it’s a bit of a cliche. 

However, the truth about keeping a positive mental attitude needs to be told. Multiple studies have been conducted, and they all say the same thing about keeping that positive spirit. It comes with a handful of benefits, and they are the ones that make your life worthwhile. 

How Does A Positive Disposition Change You?

Even though it may seem cliche, everyone knows how truly beneficial it is to always look at the bright side of things. Not everything we want happens to us, but a positive mindset will always remind us that everything happens for a reason. 

A positive mindset gives you the confidence boost that you need. It helps improve your perspective and how you approach issues and situations that come your way. When you choose to be positive, you are focused on seeing...

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3 Powerful Ways To Transmute Anger

One of the most powerful emotions that we are capable of feeling and expressing is anger. We feel angry for several different reasons like being hurt, frustrated, irritated, or disappointed. It's not wrong to get mad because it's a normal feeling that anyone can have. However, if you think that this emotion is something that you find difficult to control, then that may result in things getting worse or situations leading to violence. 

Anger may either help you or harm you. It largely depends on how you expressed this emotion. If you're quick to anger, you may end up hurting the people around you either through your words or your actions. You may hurl insults and other hurtful words at them. Or if you tend towards violence, you may end up in a brawl. 

Staying Calm Even When You're Angry

Anger therapy and anger management activities are available if you think that you need help when it comes to handling your intense emotions. You may already know...

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Simple Steps To Becoming A Spirited Person

For some, success means expensive holidays, the latest gadgets, luxurious cars, and everything extravagant in today's modern world. Society lies and tells you that happiness is anchored in material things. Labels are what most people strive to achieve. Your status and what you have is the new basis of self-worth.

Eventually, you will realize that it is a never-ending chase. There will always be something more expensive than your last holiday, trendier than the gadget you purchased, and pricier than your car. You will soon realize that the happiness these material things can give you is short-lived. For these reasons, being free-spirited is something you will yearn for.

How To Become A Free Spirit

Do you want to become a free-spirited woman or man? Do you know what you have to give up to achieve that inner peace? 

A free-spirited person is spiritually enlightened and knows too well that material possessions do not guarantee happiness nor inner peace. ...

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